
TicketSwap is the safest and easiest platform for reselling tickets. With over 13 million users across 36 countries, TicketSwap protects fans from inflated prices by offering tickets at fair rates. We've integrated with TicketSwap to verify tickets sold through their platform, ensuring they can only be resold for up to 20% above the original purchase price.


How does it work?

Event info (such as title, date, start times, ticket types, ticket prices, and a link to the primary ticket shop) is shared with TicketSwap. This information is published on their platform, even if no secondary tickets are currently available.


How does it help you?

TicketSwap pulls event info directly from you, eliminating the need for sellers to create an event to list their tickets. This ensures details like dates and start times are always accurate, while giving your event extra visibility to TicketSwap visitors.

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