
Podiuminfo.nl is the go-to platform for a complete overview of concerts and events in the Netherlands and Belgium, from intimate gigs to major shows. You’ll also find the latest concert news, artist profiles, and event reviews. Together with sister sites Festivalinfo.nl and Cabaretinfo.nl, we cover it all: from live music and festivals to cabaret performances.

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How does it work?

Events listed on Podiuminfo.nl and Festivalinfo.nl reach a wide audience. Platforms like Kink.nl, Sublime.nl, Popronde.nl, Legacyofmusic.nl, Muziekweb.nl, NMTH.nl, Gigit, and various local 3voor12 sites source their event information directly from Podiuminfo. This means your event gets visibility across multiple platforms simultaneously.


How does it help you?

Every month, 300,000 to 400,000 unique visitors find their way to these platforms to stay updated on live music and events in the Netherlands and Belgium. This gives you access to a large and engaged audience.

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