Event publication.

In Stager you manage all the content around an event in one place. You can then easily publish this central source of information in your ticket shop, on your own website and, with a few clicks, you can also display this information in your emails. Save loads of time!

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Data feeds koppelen

Linking up data feeds

All event information you enter in Stager is offered in so-called data feeds. By linking these feeds to your content management system, you automatically publish all your events on your website. It is also possible to create separate publication channels for, for example, your narrowcasting system or a local event agenda. So enter and activate your information at one go, and everything is immediately live!


Agenda platforms

Stager has an automatic connection with a number of NL-based marketing platforms and apps such as Podiuminfo, Feed Factory and TimeSquare. These partner channels automatically publish your event information. Sometimes you have to agree to a fee with the platform or app to post your content; in other cases this is free. Spread the word!

Koppeling website agenda platforms
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Calendar feeds

With the Stager calendar feed you are kept up-to-date with every event at your organization. You can “subscribe” your own calendar app to your organization's calendar feed via a simple URL. All events are then automatically shown in your own agenda. Handy for diehard fans - and your crew!

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